Stick it! (Pop-up Player) v1.7.1(No Need Root) apk

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Stick it! (Pop-up Player) 1.7.1(No Need Root) apk
Version Update: 1.7.1
Android Requires: 2.2 and up
Overview:Do you want to keep using your device while watching movies ? Stick it! is the way to go! Enjoy the desktop experience on your Android device!
Category: android apps


Stick it! is the only video player of its kind : it can live on top of your screen, above any of your other applications and allow you to use your device’s other features (browsing, emailing, texting...) while watching your favorite movie! Impress your friends with the MultiView™ feature !


Like your desktop player, you can move, resize and even minimize Stick it! in the system tray, background playing is supported. As we love geeks, Stick it! comes with some predefined themes like Windows 7 or Mac OSX (more to come).

Stick it! plays almost every movie files including .3gp .avi .divx .f4v .flv .mkv .mp4 .mpeg .mov .vob .wmv .webm .xvid and many more.

Moreover, Stick it! supports the following network protocols : MMS RTSP (RTP, SDP) HTTP progressive streaming and HTTP live streaming (M3U8).

Features :

 MultiView™ : watch multiple movies simultaneously !
 Truly floating player : move, resize and minimize supported
 Background playing
 YouTube support (beta)
 Supports most video formats
 Streaming support (MMS, RTSP, HTTP)
 Built-in themes (Windows 7, Mac OSX, more to come)
 Built-in file browser

This version still not working with LP yet, so this is my working method on my device:
1.install stick it cracked version included on zip file,
2.launch it on first time, close & uninstall (this will make its 3 record sql data still intact on ===> that's tricky part coz I'm not dev nor cracker to build cracked version separately
3.instal stick it! v1.7.1 and launch it to test your floating player, voilaa, hope its working too on your device
 you want to keep using your device while watching movies ? Stick it! is the way to go! Enjoy the desktop experience on your Android device!

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Sameera ChathurangaPosted By Simple Doll

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